Friday, March 26, 2010

Bihari Kadhi


Besan (Gram flower), 1-1/2 cup

Yogurt, 1 cup

Water, 6-7 cups

Canola oil, 3-4 table-spoon

Hing, 1 pinch

Cumin seed, 1/2 t-spoon

Dry red chilies, 4 pc. Broken.

Turmeric powder, 1 t-spoon

Salt, 2- t-spoon, or according to taste.

For Baghar:

Ghee, 1 t-spoon

Cumin seed, ½ t-spoon

Black mustard seed, ½ t-spoon

Curry leaves- 10.

Red chilly powder, ¼ t-spoon, (optional).


1. In a deep mixing pot put all besan and little less then ½ cup of water. Mix it with hand. At this point if batter is too stiff and hard to mix then a spoon of water can be added (be careful not to add too much of water otherwise it will go runny and you will need to add more besan into it), and beat it using hand (alternatively use food presser or hand better), beat it for approximately for 10 minutes until besan and water form a very thick and very light weight batter (thicker then pancake batter). To make sure the batter is light enough, take a glass of water and add few drops of batter into it; if batter drops floats on the water surface then batters is ready and no further mixing needed, if not, then mix it again and do the same testing till batter floats on the surface.

2. Once besan is light and fluffy, add ½ t-spoon salt and ½ t-spoon turmeric and mix all together once more for a minute.

3. In one shallow skillet or wok heat 1 tablespoon of the oil on high heat. Wet your fingers and take some batter in your fingers. Slowly slide small marble sized besan wadi in the shallow oil. At this point you do not need lots of oil in the pan or wadis will not be fully submerged in the oil. Be careful not to put your finger in the hot oil. When small holes appear on the wadis flip them and cook them from other side also. Add more oil as needed. Take them out in a plate. Make 25-30 wadis. Do not use up all the batter.

4. Add rest of the water, and yogurt in the left over batter, mix it well with hand or hand mixer scrapping the bottom also, so there is no lump of yogurt or besan is left.

5. In a deep skillet heat 1 t-spoon of oil, when hot add hing, cumin and broken chilies. Let is fry till brown; do not burned. Add rest of turmeric, wait 15 second and add besan-water mix to it. Mix it with ladle, and bring it to a boil. Add salt. Turn down the heat and boil it on slow heat for 20 minutes. Now add wadis to it add boil it once again for additional 10 minutes.

6. Kadhi will become thick enough to coat a spoon. Check for proper thickness of Kadhi by putting a spoon in the Kadhi. If Kadhi coats the spoon then thickness is right, if not then it need to cook for little longer. Sometime if Kadhi become too thick then some hot water can be added to it.

7. Adjust the seasoning according to your taste.

8. Heat the ghee in a ladle; add the cumin and mustard seeds. When crackled, turn off the heat and add curry leaves and red chilly powder. Immediately submerge the hot ladle in to hot Kadhi and put the cover on pot for 10-15 minutes.

9. Open the lid and mix the Kadhi.

10. Serve with cooked white rice and aaloo kee sukhi bhujeea.

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